Healthy Lunches
Holy Trinity has maintained Healthy School Status and been awarded Gold Status in recognition that we encourage children to lead a healthy lifestyle.
We are delighted to be part of the Fruit for School Scheme for the Early Years and Key Stage 1. We have fresh fruit delivered to the school throughout the week which the children eat at playtime. Children may bring in fresh fruit, vegetables or a bread based snack to keep them going through the morning. NO NUTS, as we have children with severe nut allergies.
We also provide children under 5yrs with a milk drink each day.
School meals are cooked on site in our kitchen and are of a very high standard. School meals are now FREE for all pupils in Reception to year 6. However we ask that all families that are eligible apply for free school meals (see link below) as the school receives significant additional funding for each of these pupils that is then used to enhance provision. Menus are planned weekly, based on the freshest products available.
Lunches can be paid for online through Arbor. Please click on the payment button on the home screen to access Arbor.
Please see the Haringey website for more information on free school meals and Clothing
For children in Nursery, the cost is £13.25 per week (£2.65 per day). We ask that this is paid in advance online via Arbor. Termly or half termly payments can also be bade. We ask that any change in lunch arrangements (between packed lunch & school meals) is made with at least a week's notice. for further enquiries, please contact the school office on 020 8808 2588 or via
We have a healthy lunch policy and do not allow sweets, nuts, chocolate or fizzy drinks. We suggest a sandwich, yoghurt and a piece of fruit. Children should bring water to drink. Please ensure that your child's lunchbox is clearly labelled with their name.
On prior notification to the school office, children may bring healthy packed lunches and eat them in the dining hall. Permission must be obtained to change from school lunches to packed lunches and vice versa. Parents should let the office know prior to a school holiday that a change is to be made.
Parents are not allowed to bring in food, such as cartons of fried chicken, from a fast food outlet for their children's packed lunch. There are also no facilities for heating packed lunch food. Packed lunches must be sent in with the children at 8:50am
For ideas for packed lunches look at the Parent's lunchbox leaflet.
Menus are planned based on the freshest products available. Please see below for the menu starting January 2025
Spring Term
Week commencing : 6th Jan, 27th Jan, 24th Feb, 31st Mar
Week commencing: 13th Jan, 3rd Feb, 24th Feb, 17th Mar
Week commencing: 20th Jan, 10th Feb, 3rd Mar, 24th Mar