Our Values and collective worship
" If Collective Worship is the heartbeat of the school, prayer is its breath."
(SIAMS MAY 2016)
Foundation values and Collective Worship
Our Foundation Values are central to the mission of the school and underpin our Collective Worship. Each half term we breakdown these values into weekly thoughts and prayers drawing inspiration from the relevant bible reading.
2024/2025 |
1st Half |
2nd Half |
Term 1 |
Term 2 |
Term 3 |
We say our school prayer at the start of our worship
Generous Lord,
Bless our school and fill it with hope, love and learning.
Help us to grow in love for you and each other everyday of our lives.
Keep us ever thankful in all things through Jesus Christ our Lord.
British Values
At Holy Trinity CE Primary School we uphold and teach pupils about the British Values which are defined as:
- democracy
- rule of law
- individual liberty
- mutual respect
- tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
The school uses daily opportunities to actively promote the British Values through our daily Collective Worship and whole school systems and structures; such as electing and running a successful Junior Leadership Team. These values are also taught explicitly through Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economical Education(PSHCE), and Religious Education (RE). We also teach the British Values through the planning and delivering of a broad and balanced curriculum which we ensure includes real opportunities for exploring these values. Children are set interesting homework projects which requires them to research and replicate famous British landmarks and present findings about famous Britons in History. We display the best projects in the corridor for everyone to appreciate.
At Holy Trinity C of E Primary School, these values are reinforced regularly and in the following ways.
Class Assemblies
Once a term, children will perform in a class assembly. This usually takes place on Fridays at 2:50 pm and parents are invited to attend. Children work with their class teacher to present a story, song, dance and prayer linked to their current learning. Please see the school calendar to find out when your child's next class assembly will take place.
Celebration Assemblies
Every Friday we have a 'Celebration' Assembly. Two children per a class are chosen to receive the 'shining light' award for that week. These are children who have let their light shine throughout the week. Children shining their light links to our school vision of being "the light of the world" based on Matthew 5 verses 14 - 16. During the assembly, these pupils are given a gold sticker and the reason they have been selected is shared with the school. Children also share examples of outstanding work with the rest of the school.
Our behaviour policy states, that when children achieve a Gold standard of excellent behaviour at the end of the day, they are issued with a raffle ticket. All raffle tickets are placed in a Golden Box and four tickets are picked at random during assembly. The children who have a winning ticket are able to choose a prize.
During class time, the children earn 'Star Points throughout the school day. Children are awarded individual certificates for earning 'Star points' which are presented during Celebration Assembly.
Our school church services follow the liturgical calendar and our school values.