Curriculum and learning
We offer a curriculum that gives the children the opportunity to acquire the social and academic knowledge, skills and understanding of the world that will adequately prepare them for the next stage of their learning and ultimately for later life.
Our curriculum is underpinned and formed by the following principles
- has meaningful experience, to develop children’s character and their appreciation of the ‘fullness of life’
- inspires curiosity, interest and imagination
- develops children’s’ knowledge, understanding , skills and critical thinking
- cultivates an appreciation of how actions, both past and present, impact our world
- provides children with the tools to become active citizens
Through our professional reading and research and feedback from the children our curriculum is constantly evolving. This is because we are ambitious that the curriculum enables children to know and learn more about the world they live in.
We want the children to know that the curriculum whispers to them, that they belong to the academies disciplines of the subjects. For the children to know that the curriculum leads to the ‘pursuit of truth’ and the understanding of the traditions of enquiry, debate, and truth
e.g. Science – experiential research, maths – logic, history – evidential understanding, art – beauty, geography exploration of place, Re – wonder…
We start the school year with a whole school theme of the class names. The class names are changed each year and the learning in planned to increase children’s cultural appreciation and knowledge of the world they live in. It also unifies the school through the study of the same theme. Please read the class pages to find more about our class names for this year.
Core Subjects
All of the subjects are aligned to the exceptions of the Early Years and Foundation stage, Development matter and the national curriculum.
Religious Education (RE) is taught in line with the LDBS Scheme of work. The progression model of each of the subjects is published on the subject pages. The overview of each year groups is published on the Year group pages.

Educational visits
We actively plan Educational Visits to bring class work to life. Examples of places we visit are the British Museum, the National Portrait Gallery, the Science Museum and the Dickens Museum. We travel by tube and bus. Teachers undertake a pre-visit risk assessment of both the journey and the destination.
In signing the Home-School Agreement you will be giving your permission to allow your children to attend local visits not involving public transport. Parents are asked at the beginning of each year to sign the Annual Educations Visits Consent Form. By signing the form you give permission for your child to attend all Education Visits throughout the year. For trips involving public or private transport you will be sent the visit details in a letter or text message. You will sometimes be invited to join us for these visits for extra support in supervising the children. However, we ask that younger siblings do not come, so that parent helpers can fully focus on the class itself. Unfortunately, the school cannot afford to cover the full cost of transport or entrance fees for such visits, therefore we ask for parental support. If support is not given then such activities may not be able to happen. Parents are asked to make a voluntary contribution for £10 each year to cover the cost of these visits. However no child is excluded from any activity through inability to contribute financially and any difficulties are dealt with in the strictest confidence.