Holy Trinity Tottenham

Serving the Tottenham

Family Café

“It was interactive and fun”

“The Family Café is a very good idea as it gives parents a chance to come in and interact with the children and teachers”

“This family café is a great idea not just to spend some school time with my child but to see and get to know other parents and children. My child really enjoyed it and is looking forward to the next one.”

In September 2019, we launched our “Family Cafés” for children in Year’s 1 – 3.

Family Cafés are an innovative way for families and children to learn together in school. They are informal, interactive, creative and engaging for all. We offer top tips for families to continue their learning at home and every family takes home a learning pack and activity to complete at home. This includes a leaflet explaining top tips for supporting learning at home, websites/apps and activity ideas to continue to support their child at home.


Reading Café

“I learnt how important it is to read to my child and with my child.”

In our reading cafés, we share a diverse range of books. We discuss the importance of questioning children as they read and how to do this effectively. We work together on a creative activity such as making our own aliens, making a jam sandwich or creating some art which is linked to the book we have shared.  Families then take a top tips leaflet home and a make your own bookmark kit. 

Click here for our Reading Leaflet

Maths Café

“I learnt that Maths is all around us and it doesn’t need to be done just sitting down.”

In our Maths café, we show our families the importance of real life maths in, and around the home. We demonstrate teaching strategies of how to support their child practically at home in key concepts such as number bonds, times tables and problem solving. Families will take part in a practical learning activity such as cooking a recipe together, using the maths skills we have discussed.

Families then take a top tips leaflet home and some board games to play together. 

Click here for our Maths Leaflet

Feedback from Families

“Absolutely loved it”

 “Really enjoyed the sessions. A fun way of learning. Thoroughly enjoyable.”

 “Very informative. Loved the interaction with the children. Lovely that you encouraged creativity.”

“It was very nice having the café with the kids and parents. It provided a new dimension to learning. It encourages kids to have a good knowledge of reading and making things. I love the reading café and expect to have lots of them in the future.”