Behaviour and Expectations
We believe in celebrating our achievements, as this inspires our school community to strive for excellence.
High standards of behaviour are expected from adults and children at all times and we encourage children to develop self-discipline and self-control. They are given carefully planned opportunities to take responsibility for their own behaviour and learning. We help children to resolve their differences and conflicts in constructive ways so that they may learn the skills to do so independently. Our emphasis is on ownership of actions, reconciliation and forgiveness.
We encourage children to report all incidents of name-calling, including racist names, violence, sexual harassment or bullying. These incidents are taken very seriously, dealt with swiftly and are recorded.
Each Friday we have a Celebration Assembly. During our assembly children who have 'let their light shine' are recorded in our 'Shinning Lights Book and have their successes shared with the school community.
Our expectations that underpin our behaviour policy are:
Show kindness, respect and understanding to other people.
Take care of school and other people's property.
Listen to others.
Always try your best in all that you do.
Be truthful, honest and show forgiveness.
If there is a cause for concern, staff will call parents and it will be recorded and then followed up with a meeting between the class teacher and the parent. If this continues then further sanctions or actions may be necessary.